Friday, June 18, 2010

Fishery is open!

Here is a leftover from the beginning of the season. We get all of our food in one big shipment and its a bit of craziness while we try to get all of it stored in appropriate places (cupboards, shelves, under beds). This year I went big and got a whole case of Tapatio hot sauce! We are ready for Tish to visit next month.

I have also been waiting to do some sushi here, and this year we finally made it happen. We didn't have much but salmon to put in the rolls, but we managed cabbage, spicy sauce, cashews, carrot, and Pushki (cow parsnip).

Yesterday (June 17th) Alaska Fish and Game opened the commercial sockeye salmon season in Chignik. They shot off a flare at 8pm to start the fishery and we went down to watch (It was a little lumpy, but we braved the weather and Conrad got this picture of the flare).

Desperado's first set went well despite the weather and they had ~100 fish or so. Our friend Fred is captaining the boat and can be seen on the stern handling the floats here. There were about 30 boats fishing and they delivered 39,000 fish on the first day (I don't know what the price is right now, but probably in the ballpark of 80 cents/pound and 5-6 pounds per fish. The escapement up the river so far (what the fishermen don't catch) is about 160,000 fish, pretty high compared to recent years.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Kate saw the picture of all the food and exclaimed, "look at all the beer!"