Yesterday morning we went out to the spit, the point in the lagoon closest to the ocean. There we did some beach seining and I caught 7 dolly varden and put acoustic tags in them to track where they move in the system (hopefully upstream). This is the operating theater.

Wet eagle.

Seiner in the lagoon pursing up the net. Total sockeye escapement this year so far is about 375,ooo fish, and the fishery has caught an additional 350,000 or so. Not a great year here apparently. In Bristol bay however they are having two million fish days and may approach 50 million sockeye this year.

One for Tish
1 comment:
Has the big storm affected you? Tony said things are getting so big that Mavericks might break. The cool weather looks great, it has been very hot, supposed to be 104 tomorrow.
Claire, Tony, Will and Kate
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