So, the other day the folks from the Fish and Game weir sponsored an Iron Chef competition. The rules were that each entry had to be a "sandwich" of sorts without using bread (apparently this follows a Kentucky Fried Chicken sandwich that uses chicken as the bun. So, we at FRI submitted a breakfast sandwich. Two bacon "lattice" pieces serve as the bun. Then in the middle there is two layers of hashbrowns, and a "toad in a hole" in the center. F&G threw out a surprise ingredient at the last minute, SPAM. So that was included as well (I mean really why not).
Spam art! Here is the final product. That bacon lattice was inspired.
We got second place!! In full disclosure, I did not try this thing myself. And no, we do not normally eat this kind of thing. We do have a case of bacon we are trying to get rid of though.
Morgan I have to confess that doesn't look even the least bit appetizing to me! But, I do like the spam art.
I will eat it all- save the bacon for me!
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