For several years there has been discussion of climbing a local peak near Chignik Lake. We have been excited about it (the peak on the right in this photo) because it looks like it would afford good views of both Chignik Lake and Black Lake, our main study areas. This has become known as "the hike." We have been waiting for good weather for this, and yesterday (August 6) we finally got some, and decided to go for it.

We planned out our proposed route a bit and decided to make a run up a long wash coming out the the drainage behind the peak. This was a little longer and required some stream crossings, but allowed us to hike up without too much bushwacking through alders. Eventually (seen here) we left the creek and began our ascent up an old landslide to avoid thick brush.

After about 5 hours we finally made it to the top. The view was spectacular and worth the climb. From the top we could see all of Chignik Lake, some of the lagoon, and a bit of the bay (gulf of Alaska). Turning the other direction we could see Black Lake, and Bristol Bay.

The very peak of the summit (3642 ft.), with Mt. Veniaminof in the background. Its a pretty sheer drop off the back side.

Chignik Lake, from the Black River delta on the left to the outlet on the right. This is the view that we climbed for.
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